SISTER SHEDS COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE is a registered CLG company with the Company’s Registration Office in Ireland on 24th April, 2022
with the business name Sister Sheds – CRO Number 717159 and a registered charity in Ireland (registered number: 20206613).

It is a national network of Sister Sheds formed throughout Ireland and those planned in the future with a primary focus on bringing women together within the community. Sister Sheds is an organisation that brings women together, empowering them to grow and become the best version of themselves.


Our aim is to provide support and a safe space for women of all ages often for a cup of tea and a chat but also by providing activities that focus on promoting the mental and physical Wellbeing of all our members. We are Women Connecting Women!


A Committee has been established that consists of a Manager, Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. All minutes of meetings are recorded for future audits
and transparency. The group must provide all members with an opportunity to vote a new committee into place at an A.G.M where minutes will be recorded.
The term of membership on the board will be two years.


In order for Sister Shed community groups to avail of funding from local authorities it is necessary that the registered company owners have a business
bank account. It is the responsibility of the Financial Controller to maintain and audit all Sister Sheds’ accounts.

Each Sister Shed will be obliged to set up their individual bank account and a formal letter of referral on the company’s letterhead can be obtained from the
board. Local committees will manage their bank account to maintain funds and provide transparency within the group and to other third parties that may deem it necessary to audit the accounts.

Seed funding, sponsorship and support will be sought from regulated third parties who are willing to assist and promote the work of the Sister Sheds. Annual
community funding will be applied for on behalf of the group, in order to accumulate funds for future indoor and outdoor events.


Public Liability Insurance will be secured from FBD Insurance Kelleher Insurance at the annual value. A public liability insurance certificate will be issued to the
venue holders of all Sister Sheds in the likelihood of injuries occurring on site. The annual cost will be paid from funds collected through membership and other
sources if possible. 
• Qualified/certified facilitators will only be booked by the group, so as to avoid any personal injury when carrying out activities.
• Whilst outdoor activities will always consider members mobility capabilities, it will also be the responsibility of each member to know their mobility limitations. Such activities may include overnight short stays, cultural events (art galleries, theatre, walking tours) and short water activities with trained educators.
• All indoor events will be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the venue owner and the public liability certificate.


It is envisaged that each attendee will become a member by completing an application form. These will be maintained by the Secretary in accordance with GDPR legislation and this information will only be used if and when to necessitate any events or programmes carried out by the group.

Photos may be taken and used for social media purposes, only with the consent of each member. Should a member not wish to have their photo taken, this must be respected. Members will not be identified individually by names without their permission.

An annual membership fee to the Sister Sheds CLG is €36.50. As an active member this fee is required once you are attending on a weekly basis and availing of programmes and activities within your Sister Shed. The yearly membership fee of €36.50, will allow the applicant to become a member of the Sister Sheds. This fee will also enable each Sister Shed to avail of funding when needed and if available from the ring fenced funding, Fundraising and if the the CLG are in a position to help.

Please note that Sister Sheds has the right to revoke membership if there is any bullying, verbal abuse or any action that may cause harm or offence to another

From time to time Sister Sheds collectively run indoor and outdoor events, sometimes free of charge. Valued members will be notified of such events and prioritised for a place.

There is also a weekly fee to be paid to the local Sister Shed. This fee is at the discretion of each Shed and will be held by the Treasurer to cover premises
rental, activities, courses etc.

Sisters Sheds is for all women that want a safe space to network. It is an inclusive space for those combating isolation, loneliness, gender violence and
abuse. Those with physical challenges will be embraced. The group will provide a safe space where everyone is welcome, equal and non-judgmental. Whilst discussions will take place around health and wellbeing, discretion will be taken around certain topics, so as not to upset individuals.


The committee will promote the Sister Sheds through various platforms to create awareness within the community.